Reaching a financial settlement after a separation can be difficult but our family department will guide and support you, while helping you to achieve the best possible outcome.

Financial Family Matters

At KJ Cox Solicitors we understand that going to court is not always ideal and that is why our family department includes trained mediators, who can help you to resolve your financial dispute amicably and sometimes without the need of having to go to Court.  However, if you and your ex-partner cannot agree how to divide your finances you can ask a court to make a Financial Order.

A Financial Order is a legally binding decision on how you and your ex-partner are going to divide up assets like:

  • Pensions
  • Property
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Liabilities for debts
  • Children matters for examples maintenance payments, including school fees etc.
If you are applying for a Financial Order as part of your divorce or dissolution of your civil partnership, then the court will list your case in for a financial dispute resolution hearing, often called an FDR hearing. The majority of cases settle at or shortly after this hearing.


If you would like to talk to someone about making a financial remedy application, please contact our family department on 01420550543 or email us on


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