At KJ Cox Solicitors we understand that the welfare and happiness of your children is your top priority. That is why we will offer compassionate and knowledgeable advice to assist with any child arrangements.

Children Matters

Whether you are going through a separation, divorce or dealing with any other issues involving children, our family department are here to provide the specialist legal advice and support you need.

Our experienced family department can advise on the following:

  • Child Arrangement Orders
  • Child Maintenance Agreements
  • Emergency Protection Orders
  • Parenting Agreements
  • Grandparents Rights
  • Health and education orders including Local Authority childcare proceedings – see our Education Page for more information.

What is a Child Arrangement Order?

If your relationship ends and you have children, you’ll need to agree where your children live. You’ll also need to decide how much time they spend with each of you.

A child arrangements order is a court document that decides:

  • where your child lives
  • when your child spends time with each parent
  • when and what other types of contact take place (phone calls, for example)

What is a Child Maintenance Agreement?

If you cannot agree, either of you can apply for a maintenance order. This is a court order made by a judge setting out the terms of financial support for the applicant and/or any dependent children.

Maintenance can be awarded to a spouse/civil partner for their own benefit and/or for the benefit of a dependent child. A dependent child is:

  • Under 18 years old, or
  • Over 18 and under 23 years old but still in full-time education or who would be in full-time education if a maintenance order was made for their support, or
  • A child of any age with a mental or physical disability that means that they cannot maintain themselves

Both of you must disclose your finances to the court. When deciding on a maintenance order.

What is an Emergency Protection Order?

Where emergency action is needed, an emergency protection order (EPO) is issued with the aim of protecting a child from ongoing or imminent risk of physical, mental or emotional harm.

What is a Parenting Agreement?

A parenting agreement is a written document that both parents create together to outline the care of your children after your divorce. Creating an agreement helps both parents understand what the other expects of them and can alleviate any conflict.

What rights do I have as a Grandparent?

You do not have an automatic legal right to see your grandchild if a parent stops you seeing them. There may however be steps you can take to get access.

You can try to get help in seeing your grandchild through:

  • an informal, family-based arrangement with both parents
  • mediation

If this does not work you can ask the court for permission to apply for a court order. You apply for permission on the same form as the court order application.

The court will then decide whether or not you can spend time with the child and if so, what sort of contact would be in the child’s interest. The court will always make a decision based on what is in the child’s best interests.


For more information or to speak to someone in our family department please contact us on 01420 550543 or email



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